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January 19, 2024By Sevak Mardirosian8 min read

Effective Domain Name Metrics to Consider & Track

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Domain speculation is becoming popular day after day. But how many names have ended up in the trash because they could not attract any buyers? While domain investing is a good venture, there are metrics you should consider to thrive in the business.

This blog post will guide you through some of the most important domain metrics and how to monitor them. This is the only way to reduce the risk of hoarding worthless domains.

8 Domain Name Metrics to Consider 

As Peter Drucker puts it, what is measured improves. When you know the performance of a domain name, you can identify strategies to improve it. And if you haven't purchased it yet, you can identify better options. Bishopi is one of the best domain metric checkers for investors and website owners. Here are some of the metrics you can scan using the tool.

1. Length 

You can have a domain name with as many as 63 characters, excluding the extension. But do you have to go all the way? Shorter is generally better for domain names, and there are reasons for that. Google recommends less than 4 terms for a good name. First, shorter names are easier to remember and look more professional. No one will even click a URL that looks like a list of disjointed words. But what about names like and These domains have gained popularity thanks in part to their length. Therefore, this should be among the first metrics to consider.

Another reason you might want to go for shorter domains is because they are easier to type and share. Long and complex domain names can be challenging to remember and even deter potential visitors from clicking on your site. The domain length can also affect search engine optimization (SEO), although indirectly. It's generally believed that shorter domain names rank higher in search engine results as they're easier for humans and search engines to understand. However, it's important to note that length isn't everything. The content of your domain name is just as important because it affects searcher perception. If your URL is a short string of consonants, it can appear spammy to potential visitors. However, longer domains are cheaper and less likely to be taken. But should that inform your investment? Not unless you want to make a profit of less than ten bucks.

2. Age 

As the adage goes, "old is gold." An older domain name can sometimes be seen as more trustworthy and established. This is especially true if the domain name has been consistently active and well-maintained. Google and other search engines may favor older, established websites in their search results. This is because they are more reputable and may also have a good link profile.

The age and spam score of a domain name go hand in hand. You should avoid domains that seem lucrative but come with a baggage of issues, like fraud and copyright infringement. Therefore, you should ensure the link has a low spam score. Domain age has a direct impact on email deliverability. When a domain is old, it reduces the flagging of your cold emails as spam. This makes it a valuable asset in increasing your brand awareness.

3. Number of Hyphens 

How many hyphens can you use in a domain name? If necessary, it should not be more than one. Matt Cutts confirmed that Google understands hyphens as spaces in domain names. However, too many hyphens can make your domain name look unprofessional and confusing. Apart from that, hyphens can also be challenging to remember, which can lead to potential visitors mistyping your domain name. Consequently, you may miss out on web traffic. Using hyphens in domain names can be helpful in some cases. For example, if you want to include multiple words or phrases, a hyphen can help separate them. This makes the domain name easier to read and understand. As to whether hyphens can affect SEO, there is no definitive answer. In general, Google gives the same value for hyphenated and non-hyphenated domains.

4. Pronounceability 

Which domain will you choose between "" and ""? You will go for the second without blinking because it is easier to pronounce. Pronounceability is an essential domain name metric when selecting a domain name. High pronounceability means a domain is memorable and easy to type. This increases the chances of visitors returning to or sharing your website. 

When it comes to brand promotion, a pronounceable domain name is more likely to help. That said, finding a balance between pronounceability and meaning is essential. A domain name should be both easy to pronounce and meaningful.

5. Domain Authority (DA)

Domain authority is a metric maintained by Moz that measures the authority and influence of a website. It considers factors like link popularity, trustworthiness, backlinks, spam score, and other aspects to give websites a score on a 100-point scale. The higher the domain authority metrics, the more trustworthy and influential your website is. Therefore, you should consider the domain authority score when selecting a domain name. You can check a website's authority with free domain metrics tools like Moz's Link Explorer or Ahrefs' Domain Rating. The tools will provide a score and other helpful information. 

6. Spam Score 

One of the most ignored domain name metrics is the spam score. A domain's spam score is based on its content, backlinks, and other factors determining if it's likely to be flagged as spam. A high spam score can make it difficult for visitors to find your website on search engine results pages (SERPs). That's why checking the domain name's spam score before buying it is crucial. Although there are no absolute standards for spam scores, you should aim for scores lower than 3. Anything above that can be seen as suspicious and potentially damaging to your website's reputation. Moz's Open Site Explorer is a helpful tool for checking spam scores. It also provides an overview of the domain name's spam risk and links to other domains likely to be flagged as spammers. 

7. Brand Awareness 

What is the impact of a domain on your brand? Should you pick a domain that is similar to your business name? The domain name you choose should also reflect your brand. If you already have an established brand, you should use that as your domain. A domain name is usually the first thing people will notice about your website. If it reflects your brand, it can help build recognition and trust. The domain name also makes it easier for potential visitors to find you online. Take some time to consider how your chosen domain will reflect your brand and boost your visibility.

7. Target Audience Relevance

It's important to choose a domain name that resonates with your target audience. Consider the demographics, interests, and preferences of your intended audience. A domain name that aligns with their expectations and interests can attract and engage them more effectively. It should reflect the nature of your business or website and give potential visitors a clear idea of what to expect. Understanding your target audience and incorporating relevant keywords or concepts into your domain name can help improve its relevance and appeal.


When selecting a domain name, there are several key metrics to consider. Firstly, the length of the domain name plays a crucial role. Shorter names are generally preferred as they are easier to remember, look more professional, and are easier to type and share. However, the content of the domain name is important as well, as excessively short names may appear spammy. Older domain names are often seen as more trustworthy and established, potentially benefiting search engine rankings. The number of hyphens should be limited to one as too many can make the domain name look unprofessional and confusing. Pronounceability is another important factor, as domain names that are easy to pronounce are more memorable and user-friendly. Domain authority, which measures a website's influence and trustworthiness, should be considered when selecting a domain name. The spam score of a domain name indicates its likelihood of being flagged as spam, and it's important to aim for low spam scores to maintain a good reputation. A domain name should also reflect your brand and make it easier for potential visitors to find you online. Lastly, ensuring that the domain name is relevant to your target audience's demographics and interests can help attract and engage them effectively.

Bishopi helps you check domain name metrics so that you can make the most of it. Use our free analyzer to get detailed insights on any domain name and identify opportunities for improvement and investment. 

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