Domain Availability Lookup

Our tool checks domain availability by doing a DNS query to get search results as fast as possible. Check single domain or multiple (chips); if you have many domains, please use the bulk upload option. We also check for diverse domain types, including TLDs, ccTLDs, and gTLDs.


Enter some domains to look them up

How to Check for Domain Availability?

Whether you want to know if a .com, .org, .net, .biz, .me, or any other domain is available, we've got you covered. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do a domain availability check.

The Most Efficient Domain Availability Checker for Your Business


Check If a Domain Is Available in a Click

You can check if a domain name is available using Bishopi's free domain availability checker. Enter the domain name you want to check in the search field and click. You will get the results in a few seconds. If the domain is available, you can register it right away. If it's not, you can try another domain name.


Free Domain Checker for Popular Extensions

Bishopi offers a free domain availability tool with up to 50 lookups monthly. You can also sign up for our premium plan to check more domains. With Bishopi, you can make informed decisions about your domain investments without hidden fees or extra charges. Sign up today and start exploring the world of domains.

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When a Domain Is Taken, We Have Alternatives

If the domain you want is taken, you can search for a similar domain name or an alternative domain extension like .org, .in, etc. You could also contact the owner and offer to purchase the domain from them. Our tool is the perfect solution for a bulk domain availability check, whether for investment or a personal website. Start a free search now and get results in seconds!

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