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January 2, 2024By Sevak Mardirosian13 min read

Fundamentals of Domain Backorder | Bishopi

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Introduction to Domain Backorder

Imagine you stumbled upon the perfect domain for your business from thousands of domains. It is a domain that will help your business flourish in this online world, and you've noticed it's about to expire. This is where domain backorders come into play. Domain backorder means giving you a second chance to snag that elusive address. ICANN recognizes and regulates this domain backorder practice.

You can grab a domain before anyone else does by using its domain backorder service. Just claim the expiring domain, and if all goes well, it'll be yours once it's available. Easy!In this digital world, a good domain is like gold, which we will discuss here. There are multiple roles and significance of domain backorder. So, what are you waiting for? Snag this fantastic online tool whenever you get a chance and flourish your business using domain backorder services.  

How does domain back ordering work?

To understand how a domain backorder service operates, you must first grasp the concept of domain backordering. This service allows you to place a backorder for a domain name only when it's in a "pending delete" status. This means you can't reserve a domain that's currently in use and registered by someone else. You can backorder a domain only when it's about to expire and the current owner doesn't renew it.

1. Identify the Domain:

Use a domain backorder service to search for the domain you want. Also, check its availability and expiration date as well. 

2. Place Backorder:

Pay the domain backorder fee (typically around $20-$50) and place the backorder. Note that for some backorder services, you need to pay in advance. Most domain backorder services are free to use, and you only pay if they successfully get the domain for you.

3. Monitoring Phase:

The domain backorder service provider monitors the domain's status daily and notifies you. You will receive an email regarding the status. If you're looking to keep an eye on a domain that's not yet in a pending delete status, this tool can be useful for you. It keeps track of whois changes, nameservers and lots of other metrics. 

Timeline- based on the expiration date. 

4. Domain expiration and registration attempt:

The domain backorder service tries to register your chosen domain for you as soon as it's available for deletion.

Timeline- within seconds or minutes of expiration. 

5. Success or Retry:

If your domain registration is done, you'll get a message saying it's registered, and you'll need to pay the registration fee. In case it is unsuccessful, you may have options to:

     - Keep the backorder active for the next expiration cycle.

     - Switch the domain backorder to a different domain.

     - Receive a refund. Many domain back ordering services offer the service for free and only charge if there is a registration. 

Timeline- notification received within a few hours. 

Benefits and Risks in Domain Backordering

As we know, domain back ordering is a great online weapon for businesses. But there are always two faces to a coin. So here are a few benefits and risks of domain backorder:


Securing Desired Domains: 

Example: Dropbox acquired the domain that people thought it had. Dropbox's official domain name was "" until October 2009. Then owing to trademark disputes it apparently acquired its current domain, "". (source: Techcrunch)

Potential for brand building and SEO:

Example: The original name for was linefeed or before that tiny speck. This later acquired the now (source: Businessinsider)

Why an SEO-Friendly domain is crucial for business success: A must-read for every entrepreneur.


Uncertain Success:

Example: A startup for e-commerce back ordered a "trendy" domain. The domain was related to their niche and had the potential to increase brand value.

Finding a lucrative niche can be challenging, but we have the answer for you.

Legal Disputes with Previous Owners:

Example: A company backordered the desired domain. Once it expired, they acquired it. However, the previous owner claimed trademark infringement and filed a lawsuit.  

Domain Backorder Services Overview

The significance of domain back ordering in the online world is paramount. Choosing the right domain backorder service provider can be complicated due to the variety in the market.

Consider these features before choosing:

Free domain backorder service:

Pricing: Costs for the service vary typically from $20 to $120 per backorder. Along with this, there might be additional charges for successful registrations. 

Success Rate: Always check the track records of success. However, keep in mind that none of the service providers guarantees acquisition. 

Monitoring and Notification: Choose a service that keeps you informed about the status of your backorders. It should include notifications on domain availability and expiration dates.

GoDaddy: GoDaddy is one of the top contenders for domain backorder service providers. It is well-established, with a large user base and competitive pricing. It offers you various backorder plans and bundles. User reviews indicate that Trustpilot rates it 4.7 stars.

Dynadot: This domain backorder service provider is known for its transparent pricing. It gives you detailed domain availability information. In addition, it also offers auction participation. User reviews indicate that Trustpilot rates it 4.2 stars. An AI-powered domain tool offering a free backorder service for domains.

This service allows users to claim expiring domain names. In situations where multiple users show Interest in the same domain, facilitates a transparent auction process to determine the new owner.

This feature is handy for domain investors and businesses looking to acquire specific domain names as they become available.

Performing domain back ordering requires much attention to legal details. Mainly, legal disputes in domain backorder cases arise due to the following:

Although domain names are not inherently copyrighted, the content on that website is. The transfer of domains from domain owners does not permit the use of the website's original content as its own. So, if you use this copyrighted content without permission, it can lead to infringement claims.


Be careful that your desired domain is different from or confusingly similar to a trademarked name. If this happens, then it can constitute infringement. In such cases, trademark owners can take legal action to recover the domain or seek damages. 

1.Verisign, Inc. v. LLC (2017):

This case is related to trademark infringement. This famous case resulted in domain back ordering services not being liable for trademark infringement. The court ruled that services should act in good faith and have policies to address potential trademark issues.

2.Tiffany (NJ) Inc. v. eBay Inc. (2010): 

This case involved online marketplaces and trademark infringement. Here, the luxury jewelry brand Tiffany & Co. sued eBay for counterfeiting the sale of its products. The court found that eBay's actions in allowing the sale constitute trademark infringement. 

Ethics in Domain Backordering

While domain back ordering is a legitimate practice, it comes with its own set of ethics that one must follow.  

Arguments Against Backordering:


Cybersquatting is the practice of registering domains similar to existing trademarks. Doing this earns them a profit from confusion or misleading users. This eventually harms established businesses. Some argue that domain back ordering supports this.

Exploiting Expired Domains:

Some view domain back ordering as predatory. It's so due to the negligence of others who let their domains expire. This raises concerns about fairness or individuals losing their online identities.

Arguments for backorder:

Fair Market System:

Domain backorder promotes a fair market system for expired domain allocation. It allows anyone with an interest to compete for ownership. This leads to higher prices that benefit the original owner.

Second Chance for Valuable Domains:

Sometimes, domains need to be fully utilized. Domain Backordering allows them to re-enter circulation and be put to beneficial use. 

Best Practices for Ethical Backordering:

Thorough Research: 

Get the complete history of a domain before backordering. By doing this, you can avoid domains with active businesses, trademarks, or potential legal disputes.

Consider Alternatives:

Explore alternative options, like contacting the current owner. You can even seek similar domain names before going for domain backordering.

Support responsible providers:

Choose backorder services with clear policies against cybersquatting and unethical practices.

Domain Age and Backordering

As we are talking about domain Backordering here, older domains hold significant value. Thus, these become the primary targets for domain back ordering strategies. 

Let's understand why older domains are valuable.

Domain Authority (DA):

Over time, domains acquire more and more backlinks and gain an online presence. Thus, these acquire authority. A DA translates to a higher search engine ranking. Therefore, more robust website performance.

Keyword Integration:

Integration of the correct keyword is essential for online strategies. Older domains integrate relevant keywords automatically. This provides an SEO advantage. 

Strategies for Targeting Older Domains:

  1. Domain Age Search Tools: A few examples are Moz Domain Analysis, Ahrefs Site Explorer, SimilarWeb, etc. 
  2. Expired Domain Marketplaces: A few of these platforms are GoDaddy Auctions, Dynadot Backorders, Namecheap Marketplace, etc. 

Domain History Research: Tools for this include Whois History Search, Wayback Machine, etc.  

If you are still confused to find the real value of domain then check out our article for clarity.

Backordering Expired Domains

Here's a simplified guide to performing domain back ordering successfully 

1. Identify domains of Interest:

Explore platforms where expired domains are listed. 

Choose an appropriate domain backorder service provider according to your budget and requirements.

Use tools for domain research. These tools include, DomCop, FreshDrop, etc. 

2. Conduct thorough research:

Go for complete domain History Research.

Make sure that the identified domain does not infringe on existing trademarks. 

3. Place Backorders:

Place domain Backorder Requests. 

In case of auctions, fix your maximum bid. 

4. Monitor status and auctions:

Regularly check the status of your domain backorders. 

Actively participate in auctions if necessary

Immediately secure the available desired domains.

5. Secure the Domain:

If the backorder is successful, register it. 

If you win an auction, complete the payment process and obtain ownership.

Best Practices for Success in Domain Backordering:

  • Keep your focus on domains with solid backlinks. 
  • You need to ensure that the domain meets your business and website goals. 
  • Increase your chances by placing backorders with different services.
  • Place multiple backorders.

Is buying an expired domain worth it? Find out the answer.

Auctions vs. Backordering

  • When you want to secure expired domains, you have two options. You can either go for a backorder or an auction. As always, both sides have their pros and cons, which we are discussing here. 



  • Domain backorder Auctions have transparent pricing. Before placing a bid, you should know the exact price of the domain. 
  • There is a chance for lower costs. In such cases, when competition is low, you can acquire the domain at a lower price. 
  • There are no additional processes. Once you win the bid, the domain is immediately yours. 


  • When competition gets higher, bidding wars take place. This leads to a higher cost of domains than expected. The highest bidder wins the domain.
  • There is pressure and excitement due to the environment. This leads to hasty decisions and may result in financial losses. This happens in both private auctions and public auctions.
  • There's a limited choice of domains here. 

Scenarios where auctions might be preferred:

  • When you have a specific budget set and are confident in your victory. 
  • DomainYour domain is precious for your business and you can't afford the first come first serve policy. 
  • When you cannot wait for the domain backordering process and need the domain quickly. 



  • There are no additional fees for participation. You are charged fees only when you successfully acquire the domain.
  • There are minimum risks of financial losses, as you pay only when you win. 
  • There is a broader range of choices. The domains that are not yet available for auctions are there for acquisition as well. 


  • You might need to find out the final cost of domain backordering. 
  • There is a chance of no clear indication of prices. 
  • You have to wait till the domain expires and completes the grace period, i.e., the time given to domain owners to renew the domain. This time is usually 30 days.

Scenarios where backordering might be preferred:

When you have a limited budget and want to minimize financial risks, you want to explore options for domains. You are willing and able to wait for the domain.  

Comparing Top Domain Backorder Services

GoDaddy Backorders

- It has a user-friendly interface. 

  • An extensive set of domains is available to choose from. 

- It has low rates of success for high-demand domains. 

- There is regular monitoring of backorder domains. 

Bishopi Backorders

- is totally free for domain backorder service 

- Bulk backorder option is available

- 10-day auction for high-demand backorders 

Dynadot Backorders

- It has a high rate of success. 

- per-domain backorder fees are pretty high

- it's interface is Less user-friendly

- "Drop Catcher" service is available 


- it gives you Real-time domain drop-catching available 

- it is a highly automated process

- expensive service, more than any other. 

- this is not suitable for beginners

- it offers Advanced targeting tools for specific domain names

Enom Backorders

- this service Integrates with other Enom services as well 

- it offers you Affordable pricing

- it has Limited domain backorder options 

- it gives Lower success rates for high-demand domains

- it gives you a "Domain Suggest" tool for finding alternative names 


Based on the above discussion, it is clear that domain backordering is an essential online tool. The related techniques offer opportunities to secure valuable domains. Nevertheless, ethical considerations are to be taken care of. Understanding the implications and legal aspects of domain backordering is crucial. Businesses need to be familiar with best practices to move forward in this field effectively. It's essential to adopt responsible domain acquisition strategies. They are keeping in mind the ethical and adept utilization of this complicated practice.

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