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July 25, 2023By Sevak Mardirosian9 min read

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Domain Name for Good Profit?

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Well, you have acquired a domain name. At a glance, it looks like a hot domain that could sell in a day. You list it in a domain marketplace of your choice. The first day goes, the second, and it is now months. If you have experienced such an ordeal, you could be asking, how long does it take to sell a domain name? 

While some domain names can sell within hours after listing, others may take months or years. Some Redditors have given testimonials of selling domains within minutes, but there is no guarantee. 

That being said, by the end of this article, you will know everything there is to know about how to sell domain names as quickly as possible, all while maximizing profit. 

5 Factors that Affect How Long It Takes to Sell a Domain 

If you already have a domain name on a marketplace, you have likely considered most of these factors. However, they're still vital and are occasionally overlooked by newcomers, so it is important not to underestimate their significance. 

1. Domain History & Potential 

Not all domains are created equal. If yours has a rich history, you can expect to sell it faster. But how do you know the history of a domain name? 

The first step in identifying a domain's history is to know its age. Fortunately, there are many tools you can use to check the age of a domain name. If you want to do it for free and fast, Bishopi Domain Age Checker is one of the best options — you’ll get a ton of other vital information for free as well! 

Age is just a number if the domain has no good history and wasn’t dropped over the years. That is why you should also thoroughly analyze the domain's past activities and reputation. Some of the aspects you should consider are: 

  • Backlink profile: What relationships are to humans is what backlinks are to domains. A good backlink profile means it will be easier to sell the domain name and vice versa. 
  • Previous mentions: Has the domain been mentioned on social media or other websites? If so, are the mentions positive or negative? 
  • Website content: This is one of the most ignored factors. Probably because most people have no idea how to get this information. You can use Wayback Machine to view snapshots of a domain's previous iterations. 

By examining the domain's history comprehensively, you can make a more informed decision about its value and potential for resale. 

2. Current Trends 

You can hold a domain name for years without offers, but things can change in a day. Although rare, current trends can affect demand in some domain niches. A good example is .ai domains. Previously, the extension was meant for Anguilla, a British Overseas Territory. But the rise of artificial intelligence has changed the narrative. 

Apart from extensions, some keywords have gained popularity after being associated with emerging trends or industries. For example, keywords like "crypto," "blockchain," "NFT," “gpt” and "decentralized" have experienced a surge in demand due to the growing interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. 

So, should you buy domains in the hope that one day they will trend? Not really. However, you should keep an eye on emerging trends to grab the best domains as they gain popularity. And there is no better way to keep tabs on what is trending than using our domain trends tool

And we don’t make that claim lightly; we’ve designed our platform from the ground up with cutting-edge technology to help you buy and sell profitable domains — yes, even AI. There, we said the buzzword... 

3. Price & Flexibility 

How low can you go? How flexible are you with the pricing? If you allow negotiations, your domain name is likely to sell faster. However, you should only do this while avoiding losses. 

Your price should be within the industry average. Setting the price too high or dismissing any attempts to negotiate the price could mean a longer period without offers. But do you entertain anyone who asks for an offer? Not necessarily. 

Secret: Don’t forget to check the similar sales of your domain to get insights on how to price your domain(s).

The domain name sale industry is flooded with jokers who might not be interested in making any purchases. To avoid such experiences, you should assess the buyers' intent. Apart from that, conducting thorough market research can help you encourage negotiations without compromising your bottom line. 

4. Domain Extension 

You have heard it over and over again, .com is the king of domain extensions. But does that mean you should not consider other alternatives? Not at all. However, considering almost half of all top-level domains are .com, it is the most in-demand extension. 

A domain extension can affect how long it takes to get favorable offers in the marketplace. When choosing the top-level domains, it is advisable to go for the popular ones like .com, .net, .org, or .co. 

But there are some exceptions. If you are targeting a specific location with your domain names, you can consider country code TLDs. Some popular examples of ccTLDs are .us for the United States, .au for Australia, .uk for the United Kingdom, .ca for Canada, and .de for Germany. 

Apart from ccTLDs, some new top-level domains are viable options when targeting specific industries. Domain extensions like .bond, .tech, .shop, .lawyer, and .clinic are popular in niche markets. 

5. Marketing and Exposure  

How well you market your domains could mean more or less time in the marketplace. One of the strategies you can use is creating compelling descriptions highlighting the domain potential. You can share with the target audience some ideas they can implement with the web address. 

Additionally, you should list your assets on different platforms. Some domain brokers you can use include Sedo, Namecheap, Flippa, GoDaddy, Bluehost, and Brannans. 

How to Sell a Domain Name Faster 

Alright, this is what you’re here for.

If the Domain Industry Brief data is anything to go by, over 100 million domain names are registered monthly. In such a crowded marketplace, what makes some domain names sell faster than others? And how can you join the statistics? 

1. Post on Social Media 

Although not the ideal method of selling domain names, it is an option you should consider. Targeted marketing through social media ads can help you narrow your audience and avoid domain spamming. 

You can join domain flipping groups on Facebook, Reddit, and LinkedIn to network with other domain investors. You can consider FB communities like The Website Flip Club and Niche Pursuits. Through such forums, you get ideas on how you can sell niche domain names faster. 

2. Create a Landing Page 

Have you ever tried to search for a domain name online but landed on a page with "this domain is on sale?" creating a landing page that explicitly shows the domain name is on sale can attract potential buyers. 

Your landing page should have a call to action, like a button linking to a marketplace. Although it doesn't have to be complex, you can add suitable uses for the domain name. You don’t have to hire a web designer for this; most domain brokers provide landing page templates. 

3. List the Domain in Different Sites 

As earlier noted, you shouldn't put all your eggs in a single basket. Diversifying your listing ensures you reach a higher number of potential domain buyers. Besides using domain brokers, you can consider niche-specific forums. You can join exciting forums like DNForum and NamePros. Income School and Fat Stacks are also good communities but attract a fee. 

4. Reduce the Price of the Domain 

Of course, this is not the best way to sell domain names faster. But if selling the domain is a priority, reducing the price is a viable option. You can use this strategy to sell domain names that are declining in value. 

When using this approach, you should keep in mind your return on investment. You don't have to slash the price and compromise the domain value. 

5. Cold Emailing 

You don’t have to use passive domain marketing techniques; you can identify potential buyers and email them. Although this is a tedious process, you are mostly in control of the price and you can save the marketplace commission. 

But it would be an injustice to make it look like an easy strategy. First, you need to do it with moderation to avoid being flagged as a spammer. You should not email thousands of contacts, especially when you don’t have their consent. 

Apart from that, you should only send emails to interested parties. But how do you know potential buyers? You can identify websites that use the keywords you are targeting in their website or brand name. 

Pro Tip: Avoid using personal emails in cold emailing. For this purpose, you should buy a burner (temporary) domain and create an email. That way, you will avoid exposing personal details to malicious individuals. 


In summary, keep these points in mind when selling your next domain:

  • When it comes to selling domain names, there is no definite timeline. One domain name will sell within hours, while others may take years. 
  • The period it takes is affected by domain history, age, current trends, price flexibility, marketing exposure, and domain extension. 
  • Although you can't tell how long it takes to sell a domain, you can reduce the timeline by listing the domain in different marketplaces, posting on social media, creating a landing page, and reducing the price. 

There you have it, all the strategies you need to sell your domain faster. You can take your game to the next level using Bishopi to analyze essential domain name metrics. Whether you want to know a domain’s readability, pronounceability, link profile, authority, or age, we’ve got your back. 

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